Problem with PowerShell2021-08-31T09:49:51+01:00
1.29K viewsWindows 10


the issue is, when I run a command in Windows PowerShell (e.g. npm install gulp-cli -g) it does nothing and the window minimizes, if I run an incorrect task, it responds with an error as normal, but does not work when I run something valid. Or if anyone could help me with how to install gulp for vscode, I would be most grateful, I’ve been trying for hours and running out of time.


[email protected] Changed status to publish August 31, 2021

Thanks! got it

[email protected] Changed status to publish April 21, 2021

Start>Windows Features>Scroll to Power Shell and check. See if you can run commands in Safe Mode.

If this command works net user administrator /active:yes us


If that doesn’t get you into the hidden Admin Account: Run (or Win+R)>lusrmgr.msc >Highlight Administrator and uncheck disabled. Now try Command Prompt or Power Shell from that account.

[email protected] Changed status to publish April 21, 2021

It does not, the same thing happens – the window minimizes

[email protected] Changed status to publish April 21, 2021

Have you verified that npm is installed correctly? From powershell (ran as administrator), you should be able to type npm -v and see the version. Does that command work?

[email protected] Changed status to publish April 21, 2021

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