Two operating systems on one machine2021-08-31T09:58:42+01:00
1.27K viewsWindows 10Windows Vista

I have a Acer Aspire notebook with windows 10 operating system. I’ve also got a desktop 460GB (a few years old) running Vista.

My Acer has a new 500GB ssd hard drive but will not run some programmes that I have on my desktop. Is it possible to copy the hard drive from the desktop to either another a flash drive or separate hard drive and run that on my Acer through a usb port?

Thank you in advance.

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No. You can do a remote desktop control to connect to your desktop, or you can use a virtual machine to run an instance of Vista, but you will need to reinstall the software, plus the virtual machine might not run the programs if the program doesn’t like the video configuration of the VM.

How to use Remote Desktop – link to Microsoft site.

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