Windows 10 fuzzy Icon Titles. Why?2021-04-19T14:01:13+01:00
315 viewsWindows 10

Hi, I have a problem with Windows 10. I can hardly read the icon titles in Windows 10. variations in icon size do not help, Changing screen resolution makes only a small difference.

This is one of the reasons I still ha veto use Windows XP rather than Windows 10.

My vision lose cannot be corrected by eyeglasses. I ha veto have the fonts very clear and large. Notice how the Windows 10 fonts are fuzzy even for people with normal vision.
It is beyond me why Microsoft thinks fussy icon titles fare good for you.

I have another Windows 10 computer and get the same thing. Fuzzy icon titles.

Is there some way to tell Windows 10 not to make the icon title fuzzy?

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You cannot directly set the text colour. It will be either black or White. There might be a registry hack but all I can find is for 8.1, and doesn’t work with 10 anymore.

But that choice is based on the underlying solid colour of the desktop. With Win10, you change this in personalization options with the Desktop background option; if you choose solid and set the colour to say, Orange; the icon text color will be black. if you set your desktop background to your desired image afterwards the icon colour should remain black.

You can remove the drop shadow in Advanced System Settings (Windows key+Break, Advanced System Settings, “Settings” under “Performance”, and uncheck “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop”.

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